The Association of Coffee Producers El Santuario - ASPROCAFE SANTUARIO, is a non-profit organization, founded on August 22, 2017, made up of 30 producers, who shared the same idea and focused on the same objective of establishing an association that They called EL SANTUARIO a reference, making the Tabaconas Namballe national conservation area.
Currently we have 458 associated producers of which 127 are women, our partners are distributed in the provinces of Jaén, San Ignacio, and Cutervo organized in 28 coffee bases located in the district of Chirinos, bases of La Palma and Las Pirias, Coipa district, the bases of Pedernales, Machetillo, La Union, Virgen del Carmen, El Horcón, El Mirador, El Laurel, Huacora, Rumipite Alto; District of San José de Lourdes, base of Nuevo Trujillo and Selva Andina, in the province of San Ignacio; Huabal district, base of La Esperanza, San Pablo, La Catahua, Santa Rosa, San Ramón, El Romerillo; in the district of San José del Alto, Base of Pampas del Inca; Bellavista district, the base of Limón, in the province of Jaén, in the district of Santa Cruz, the base of Santa Cruz; in the district of Santo Tomás the base of Playa Grande, Tambillo in the province of Cutervo in the Cajamarca Region.
I've been drinking coffee for years and I can honestly say that coffee is the best product out there. Coffee has a perfect taste and it wakes me up in the morning. It's also really affordable.
I have been drinking coffee for years and can honestly say that coffee is the best product there is. The coffee tastes perfect and wakes me up in the morning. It is also very affordable.
Coffee has a perfect taste and it wakes me up in the morning. It's also really affordable. Thanks for always keeping your WordPress themes up to date. Your level of support and dedication is second to none.
Provide technical assistance, collection and export services, promoting productivity and competitiveness, in harmony with the environment, contributing to equitable human development and the continuous improvement of the quality of life of the members and the satisfaction of our clients.
By 2026 To be a competitive organization in the specialty coffee market, satisfying customer requirements and demands, contributing to human development and coffee-growing families with economic, social and environmental responsibility, having as a principle gender equity, continuous improvement.
The Association of Coffee Producers El Santuario - ASPROCAFE SANTUARIO is born, constituted with 30 producer members, starting only with the local sale of coffee.
There were already 262 producer partners and 477 hectares certified with the ORGANIC and FAIRTRADE seals that allow the first exports of special certified coffee for an FOB value of US$ 1.1 million.
The number of partners reaches 384 producer partners and 628 hectares certified with the ORGANIC, FAIRTRADE C.A.F.É. PRACTICES and UTZ.
It is possible to grow to 510 producer partners where 127 are women, 902 hectares certified with the ORGANIC, FAIRTRADE C.A.F.É. PRACTICES, Rainforest Alliance; Likewise, it enters the ProCompite program with the initiative "Improvement of the coffee post-harvest process", which has allowed it to reach exports of certified special coffee for an FOB value of US$ 3.6 million.
Due to the geographical location of each place, different characteristics are obtained in the quality of our coffee. Our coffee is produced in microclimates of the jungle, grown by small producers in the Cajamarca region (Peru), ensuring quality for our customers.
They are located in the highest areas of the provinces:
We have a destination market for: